School of Film
& Animation
BA(Hons) Film
Cornflakes Pyramid
When the lost and carefree 10-year-old David encounters the equally lost and aloof Afiqah in a supermarket, his curiosity over her religious attire turns into a game of vying for her attention. After their clash in personalities escalates into a storewide chase, causing a pyramid of cornflakes boxes to topple, the two children find themselves escaping from the clutches of the villainous shop assistants. But as things spiral downwards for the kids, and with no one else left to turn to, David and Afiqah begin to question why they cannot truly be friends.
Director: Anja Dimova
Producer: Spencer Lam Wei Rong
Scriptwriter: Jordan Lee Jun Hao
Editor: Angel Teo
Cinematographer: Camille Pasquier
Assistant Director: Hariz Zulkifli
Production Designer: Sharifah Syamimi Binti Syed Mohksin
Audio Mixer: Vidonia Yeo
Film type: Short Fiction
Genre: Children, Drama
Runtime: 00:12:37
Country: Singapore
Language: English